We help you equip your people
to share the Gospel
using a tested and trusted five-step process.
Many leaders are afraid to admit that they don’t have a long-term strategy to get their people sharing the Gospel. We can help.
Step Up to Life has developed simple tools and engaging trainings that will help you confidently equip the people you lead to tell others about Jesus.
The best part? It’s non confrontational (so they’ll actually use it).
Amidst the busyness of modern-day ministry . . .

A Message from Our Executive Director
Let’s get real for a minute: every ministry leader wants to cultivate a solid mission focus for their organization, but many know their people aren’t currently engaged. And, the reality is that you need simple, easy-to-use tools to put in the hands of your people to make Gospel conversations happen.
As a fourth generation pastor myself, I get it! Someone between sermon prep and balancing the budget, you realized that you just don’t have time to add one more thing. At Step Up to Life, we believe that no church or ministry should feel like evangelism is “that thing we can’t seem to get to”.
I know that you need simple, easy-to-use tools that help anyone anywhere feed confidence about sharing their faith. With a 50-year proven track record, the Step Up to Life method for sharing the Gospel has been used on 4 continents and distributed over 15 million times in more than 90 languages and special interest variations (think football, soccer or aviation).
The best part? The method is rooted in the biblical Gospel, which means we don’t jump straight to an “altar call” or praying the “sinner’s prayer”. Instead, we encourage a pause to assess the readiness of the human heart and around repentance from sin.
We believe that everyone who has come to saving faith in Jesus (our step five) has walked through a critical process of self evaluation. “Do I care about God?” “Is my sin a problem?” “Am I willing to reject and turn away from it?” “What does it actually look like to give my life to Jesus?”
The statistics make it clear that empty altar calls aren’t working. In 1997, Reverend Billy Graham estimated that only 1 in 4 decisions for Christ at his revivals were genuine conversions. In 2023, George Barna, the founder of The Barna Group and ACU Research Director, stated that 1 of every 3 people in American evangelical churches would not qualify as a “born again” Christian.
It’s time for the Church to recapture the message of the Gospel to cut through cultural Christianity and examine the heart. We can show you how to get there.
Lincoln Murdoch
Executive Director, Step Up to Life
We can help with that.
Going on Sabbatical or stepping away for a weekend? Invite an experienced, credentialed pastor to pulpit-fill for you.
We’ll customize the message length to fit your service schedule.
Then, we’ll collaborate on the message.
(Lincoln and Nick each have broad expertise, specialized training, and areas of personal study and interest.)
An experienced keynote message for your upcoming banquet, fundraiser, or conference.
We’ll customize the message length to fit your event schedule.
Collaborate on the itinerary and presentation that will perfectly complement your event.
Wish you had gone to seminary or want your group to have access to someone who teaches Bible and theology courses? Spend 30 minutes live (online) or in person with Nick and dive into a topic about the Bible and theology such as Canonicity, Trinitarianism, Church History, Homiletics, Apologetics, and Biblical Hermeneutics.
A simple, convenient strategy to reintroduce and reemphasize the importance of the Great Commission.
Group trainings are designed for groups of 10 to 100. This could include your staff team, ministry leaders, volunteers, and/or the entire congregation.
Suggested training length: Up to five 45-minute sessions (schedule flexible).
Receive a resource packet for everyone in your organization.
The most effective way to help encourage your leaders or group at camps, retreats, getaways, and special focus groups.
Suggested time frame: 5+ hours
Suggested length: a single evening up to a full weekend.
It’s easy to feel siloed and wish for an experienced mentor to come alongside. Lincoln and Nick frequently serve pastors in areas such as . . .
Sermon development and feedback
Leadership coaching
Third party mediation
Development of a local and/or global missions strategy
Training and team development
Pulpit filling
Mentoring and spiritual guidance
Building and capital campaign planning
Looking for something else? Sunday sermons, keynote messages, group trainings, mentorship—the Step Up to Life team can help. Members of our team currently serve church leaders in a variety of areas. We’d love to chat about how we can help you, too. Just fill out this form and a member of our team will get in touch with you.
Steps to Gospel-Sharing Confidence
Step 1: Plan a Training
Invite Step Up to Life to bring the five-steps seminar seminar to your group.
Step 2: Plan the Follow-Up
Like anything we do well, a successful mission strategy involves ongoing checkpoints. We’ll help you plan follow up missions touchpoints into your annual calendar.
Through simple, convenient tools, we’ll help your people feel confident every time they navigate conversations about their faith.
Free Resources for Leaders
90 Seconds with Nick
A monthly email training with Step Up to Life Assistant Director Nick Bank, 90-Seconds with Nick offers encouragement for leaders who teach and preach the biblical Gospel.
Team Training Guide
Looking for a Step Up to Life training tool to use with your team? The team training guide is a free printable that will walk you through the five steps to saving faith. Just email us to get a copy!
Ministry Minded Podcast
A monthly email training with Step Up to Life Assistant Director Nick Bank, 90-Seconds with Nick offers encouragement for leaders who teach and preach the biblical Gospel.
We’ve been in ministry long enough to know that our mission of equipping people to easily share the Gospel requires focus on the right things. To this end, Step Up to Life doesn’t take a public stance on these common theological issues and our team won’t discuss them from your platform.
End times eschatology scenarios
Political movements of emphases
Baptism preferences or denominational norms
Communion preference or denomination practices
Eternal security—i.e.—‘once saved always saved,’ vs. ‘one can lose salvation.’
We do discuss the role of the Holy Spirit in bringing about conviction of sin, but we don’t discuss Spiritual gifts.